Recipe: Cannabutter
How to make weed butter
By Christina Wong
Photo Credit: The Clever Root
DOSING: Makes one stick (1/2 cup) of cannabutter or ghee. Double-check the math if your cannabis % THC is different.
Low Dose // 5mg THC per tablespoon: ~40mg THC total in the entire recipe. Approximately 0.03 grams of cannabis flower (20% THC)
High Dose // 100mg THC per tablespoon: ~400mg THC total in the entire recipe. Approximately 3 grams (20% THC)
one stick (1/2 cup) butter
[ * ] grams cannabis flower (activated + decarbed at 240 degrees F for 40-50 mins)
1. Activate + Decarb: Preheat the oven to 240°F. Carefully weigh and place coarsely ground cannabis flower into a pint-sized 16 oz. mason jar, seal with the lid to reduce smell, and heat for 40 minutes in the oven to decarboxlyate, which activates the THC. Remove from the oven and let cool until the mason jar is safe to touch. The ground flower will look lightly toasted.
2. Infuse: Reduce the oven temperature to 170 degrees F. Pour melted butter into the mason jar, close the lid, and stir to combine. Place the sealed jar back into the oven to infuse for 2.5 hours. After 2.5 hours, remove from the oven and cool until the mason jar is safe to touch. Strain the melted butter through a fine mesh sieve and into a clean container. Cool to room temperature.
There will be some liquid and milkfats that naturally separate, stir to reincorporate into the butter as it cools. Store in the refrigerator until ready to use.